You can find Presidential Decrees and Ministerial Decisions related to higher education processes, as well as Normative Texts of D.U.Th.
- “Code of Ethics and Good Practice” of D.U.Th.
- “Code of Ethics and Conduct of Research” of D.U.Th.
- PD 96/2006 (Gov. Gaz. 98 v. A) “Regulation of the Administrative Services of the Democritus University of Thrace”
- PD 160/2008 (Gov. Gaz. 220 v. A) “Model General Internal Regulation of Higher Education Institutions (HEI)”
- MD No. F.122.1/6/14241/Z2/31-1-2017 (Gov. Gaz. 225 v. B) “a) Procedure for the constitution of electoral bodies of HEIs, determination of issues regarding the election and development of professors and serving lectors, renewal and permanent condition of fixed-term associate professors, legality control of said procedures and other issues related to the implementation of the provisions of art. 19 L. 4009/2011 (A’ 195) as in force, and art. 4 L. 4405/2016 (A’ 129). b) Development and operation of an electronic system for the integrated management of the processes of election and development of professors and serving lectors, renewal and permanent condition of fixed-term associate professors, as well as preparation and maintenance of registers of internal and external members”
- DECISION No. DUTH/PR/27669/1883 (Gov. Gaz. 267/20-01-2023 vol. B). “Determination of the area of liability and the individual responsibilities of the four (4) Vice Rectors of the Democritus University of Thrace and the order of replacement of the Rector”