Quality assurance is a systematic, structured and continuous commitment to quality. It includes several processes and procedures which, in a systematic and structured way, aim at maintaining and enhancing this quality, fulfilling all the requirements and expectations of stakeholders. It presupposes a well- organized internal system of standards, criteria and guidelines, the proper function of which is attested by periodic procedures of internal and external assessment. These procedures should be communicated.

Quality assurance in higher education was firstly enacted in 2005 under 3374/2005 law, according to which a uniform, constant evaluation process was established all over Greece for the recording, analysis and systematic evaluation of teaching and research work, curricula and other higher education institutions’ services

By virtue of the law 4009/2011 “Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalization of higher education institutions”, Greece acquires a national accreditation system which supports Higher Education Institutions, so that they can develop study programs of steadily increasing academic and professional quality. Accreditation is an external evaluation process based on specific, predetermined, internationally accepted and pre-published quantitative and qualitative criteria and indicators, harmonized with the Principles and Guidelines for Quality Assurance of the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015).