• What do the initials MODIP (QAU) mean?

Quality Assurance Unit.

• What are the responsibilities of MODIP (QAU)?

Quality of Assurance Unit of D.U.Th is a structure of the Institution for the purpose as briefly described in the legislation (article 14 of law 4009/2011):

  1. The development of a specific policy, strategy and the necessary procedures for the continuous improvement of the quality of the work and services of the Institution, within the Internal Quality Assurance System of the Institution,
  2. The organization, operation and continuous improvement of the Internal Quality Assurance System of the Institution,
  3. The coordination and support of the evaluation procedures of the academic units and other services of the Institution and
  4. The support of the external evaluation and certification procedures of the study programs and the internal quality assurance system of the Foundation, within the principles, directions and instructions of HAHE.
• Where is MODIP (QAU) office?

The Quality Assurance Unit at D.U.Th resides in:

KOMOTINI: Rectorship, Offices 106a and 114c (Ground floor), University Campus, Komotini, P.S. 69150

XANTHI: Administration Building (PROCAT), Office 1 (1st floor), Vas. Sofias 12, Xanthi, P.S. 67132

• What is OMEA?

OMEA (IET) is the Internal Evaluation Team in a Department.

• What is the role of OMEA?

OMEA (IET) is formed by the Department and has a coordinating and executive role: it cooperates with MODIP and coordinates at the Department level the process of internal evaluation of the Department and the Accreditation of the respective USP (undergraduate study program).

• Can I participate as a student in the OMEA (IET) of my Department?

MODIP recommends that during the formation of a Departments’ OMEA, an undergraduate student should also be nominated.

• What kind of students’ access is provided by the OPS of MODIP for the process of the evaluation of the didactic project?

The OPS of MODIP enables the teacher to activate the assessment process by selecting either:

α) access to all students enrolled in the course through their personal login credentials (such as password of his / her personal institutional account). For this purpose, each of the students enters the system using the username and password of his/her personal account at the Institution and proceeds with the evaluation of the course.


b)  access to the students attending the course at a random time, during the evaluation period, through coupons with codes they receive before the beginning of the course.

• How is academic teaching evaluated?

The evaluation of academic teaching is conducted electronically in the following hyperlink:

• How often is academic teaching evaluated?

Between the 8th-11th teaching week of each semester.

• Who can activate the process of academic teaching evaluation in the Information System (OPS) of MODIP?

The process of academic teaching evaluation in the Information System of MODIP can be activated either by the teacher or by a member of the OMEA of the Department.

• When can I, as a teacher, have access to the results of the academic teaching evaluation?

After the completion of grades’ submission of the corresponding examination.

• Can my identity be known via my participation in the academic teaching evaluation process?

The answers are coded in the system, therefore, no identification of the student is made through his/her answers to the respective evaluation questionnaire.

• What are the benefits out of my participation in the academic teaching evaluation process?

The academic teaching in the Department is being improved. The opinion of the participating students in the process is heard.

• What do the initials IQAS stand for?

Internal Quality Assurance System.

• Do all higher education institutions have IQAS?


• Why does IQAS exist?

The purpose of the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) is to achieve high quality in the operation of D.U.Th. and the continuous improvement of its educational and research work, as well as the effective operation and performance of its services, in accordance with international practices, especially those of European Higher Education Area and the principles and directions of HAHE.

• What is a quality manual?

The Quality Manual is an official document of the IQAS and is used as a guide for its implementation. It consists of units called processes and whose purpose is to fulfill the requirements of the relevant HAHE quality standard.

• What is the Accreditation?

Accreditation is a quality assurance process carried out on the basis of specific, predefined, internationally accepted and previously published quantitative and qualitative criteria and indicators, harmonized with the Principles and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015).

• Is Accreditation mandatory?

The Accreditation process is provided for by the legislation (Law 4009/2011).

• How often is an IQAS certified?

Every four years.

• What do the initials USP stand for?

Undergraduate Study Program.

• How often is a USP accredited?

Every four years.

• What actions does the internal evaluation process include in general?
  • Evaluation process of the teaching project.
  • Registration of data of the previous academic year, by the Institution’s Departments, in MODIP’s OPS, which are then automatically extracted from the HAHE’s OPESP.
  • Registration of data of the previous academic year, by the Services of the Foundation, in OPS.
• What are the obligations of some users of the OPS of MODIP and of the OPESP of HAHE?

Adherence to schedules and correct entry of data.

• What is the flow schedule of the internal evaluation procedures in D.U.Th?
  • 8th-11th teaching week of each semester: Activation of the evaluation process of the teaching project.
  • January of each year: Activation of the system and start of the registration of data of the previous academic year, by the Departments of the Foundation, in the OPESP of HAHE.
  • December of each year: Activation of the system and start of the registration of data of the previous academic year, by the Services of the Foundation, in the OPS of MODIP.
• Who are involved in the internal evaluation processes?

Ensuring and improving the quality of the educational work is a continuous process, in which all structural elements of the Foundation must participate, namely:

  • The Administration of the Institution: establishment and monitoring of the Institution’s strategies.
  • Faculty members/ Other teaching staff: activation of evaluation procedures for their educational work, recording of their teaching and research work, participation in opinion surveys for the overall image of the Institution.
  • Administrative staff: providing quality data and participating in opinion surveys on the overall picture of the Foundation.
  • Students: participation in evaluation procedures of the teaching work and opinion surveys for the overall image of the Institution.
• What are the functions of the Information System (OPS) of MODIP?

MODIP’s Information System (OPS) functions as a supporting tool to the institutionalized quality assurance procedures. It is a constantly evolving system, which interfaces with other information systems of the Foundation, in order to automatically extract as much primary data as possible and reduce the workload of those involved. Specifically, it includes the following subsystems:

  • Security Subsystem: The Authenticity Check is carried out through D.U.Th.’s directory service (LDAP) and user roles and privileges are given.
  • Primary Data Collection Subsystem: Its purpose is to collect, transform and enter in the primary data system database and it is performed at the request of the administrator, choosing the desired academic periods.
    Questionnaires Subsystem:
    The electronic evaluation of the teaching project by the students is carried out.
  • Service Report Completion Subsystem: The required indicators are filled in by the Foundation’s Central Services.
  • Report Document Production Subsystem: The completed indicators of the Central Services are produced.
  • Management Subsystem: MODIP can perform the management of Users, the definition of Roles, the monitoring of electronic assessment procedures and the recording of system activities.

More information can be found in the detailed guides HERE.

• What is OPESP of HAHE?

In the context of its responsibilities and in accordance with its institutional framework, HQA in 2015 created the “OPESP” (National Information System for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (NISQA)) and proceeded to study, define and standardize the quality data of HEIs, which are collected on an annual basis, through the information system (, in order to be available to the accreditation and evaluation committees and to be used in every quality assurance process.