Internal Evaluation Groups (OM.E.A)
OM.E.A. operates within academic units, has a monitoring role and acts as a connecting link between MODIP and the corresponding academic unit. It coordinates, in cooperation with its MODIP, the internal evaluation procedure inside the academic unit.
It is responsible for activating and monitoring the completion of the inventory forms and questionnaires and informing the bodies and members of the academic unit for the results of the staff’s teaching work.
It is also responsible, in cooperation with the head of each department, for the writing of the proposal for the accreditation process of the undergraduate programme of studies of the academic unit.
The following ranking is by city and in alphabetical order, based on rank.
Department of Civil Engineering | info@civil.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Lazaros Iliadis | Professor | liliadis@civil.duth.gr |
Chalioris Konstantinos | Professor | chaliori@civil.duth.gr |
Akratos Christos | Associate Professor | cakratos@civil.duth.gr |
Markou Ioannis | Associate Professor | imarkou@civil.duth.gr |
Tzourmakliotou Dimitra | Associate Professor | dtzourma@civil.duth.gr |
Kogketsof Avrilia | Assistant Professor | akogkets@civil.duth.gr |
Samaras Achilleas | Assistant Professor | achsamar@civil.duth.gr |
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | info@ee.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Sirakoulis Georgios | Professor | gsirak@ee.duth.gr |
Zoiros Kyriakos | Professor | kzoiros@ee.duth.gr |
Sirakoulis Georgios | Professor | gsirak@ee.duth.gr |
Tsaousidis Vassilios | Professor | vtsaousi@ee.duth.gr |
Dimitrakopoulos Georgios (coordinator) | Associate Professor | dimitrak@ee.duth.gr |
Mitianoudis Nikolaos | Associate Professor | nmitiano@ee.duth.gr |
Papadopoulos Theofilos | Associate Professor | thpapad@ee.duth.gr |
Titopoulos Vassilios | Under. Student | michlits@ee.duth.gr |
Department of Environmental Engineering | secr@env.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Ntougias Spyridon | Professor | sntougia@env.duth.gr |
Gemitzi Alexandra | Professor | agkemitz@env.duth.gr |
Nikolaou Ioannis (coordinator) | Professor | inikol@env.duth.gr |
Zoras Stamatios | Associate Professor | szoras@env.duth.gr |
Christoforidis Konstantinos | Associate Professor | kochristo@env.duth.gr |
Department of Architectural Engineering | info@arch.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Polychronopoulos Dimitris | Professor | dpolychr@arch.duth.gr |
Dendrinos Stavros (President) | Associate Professor | sdendrin@arch.duth.gr |
Gouliaris Panagiotis (Deputy President) | Associate Professor | pgouliar@arch.duth.gr |
Grigoriadou Maria | Associate Professor | magrigor@arch.duth.gr |
Deligiannidou Eleftheria | Assistant Professor | eldeligi@arch.duth.gr |
Giouzepas Dimitris | Assistant Professor | dgiouzep@arch.duth.gr |
Kapandriti Anastasia | Assistant Professor | nkapandr@arch.duth.gr |
Papagianopoulos Georgios | Assistant Professor | gpapagno@arch.duth.gr |
Ritzouli Aikaterini | Assistant Professor | aritzoul@arch.duth.gr |
Voutetaki Maria-Styliani | Assistant Professor | mvouteta@arch.duth.gr |
Department of Production and Management Engineering | secr@pme.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Georgios Gaintatzis | Professor | geogai@pme.duth.gr |
Botsaris Pantelis (coordinator) | Professor | panmpots@pme.duth.gr |
Amanatiadis Aggelos-Isaak | Assistant Professor | aamanat@pme.duth.gr |
Vavatsikos Athanasios | Assistant Professor | avavatsi@pme.duth.gr |
Koulinas Georgios | Assistant Professor | gkoulina@pme.duth.gr |
Department of Law | secr@law.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Antonopoulos Konstantinos | Professor | kantonop@law.duth.gr |
Chrysomallis Michail | Professor | mchrysom@law.duth.gr |
Dervitsiotis Alkiviadis | Professor | adervits@law.duth.gr |
Chelidonis Apostolos | Professor | ahelidon@law.duth.gr |
Apostolidou Anna | Assistant Professor | aapost@law.duth.gr |
Bampetas Georgios | Assistant Professor | gbampeta@law.duth.gr |
Department of Physical Education and Sport Science | secr@phyed.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Douda Helen | Professor | edouda@phyed.duth.gr |
Douda Helen | Professor | edouda@phyed.duth.gr |
Gourgoulis Vasilios | Professor | vgoyrgoy@phyed.duth.gr |
Bebetsos Evangelos | Professor | empempet@phyed.duth.gr |
Vernadakis Nikolaos | Associate Professor | nvernada@phyed.duth.gr |
Kouli Olga | Associate Professor | okouli@phyed.duth.gr |
Tsitskari Efi | Associate Professor | etsitska@phyed.duth.gr |
Yfantidou Georgia | Assistant Professor | gifantid@phyed.duth.gr |
Giannakou Erasmia | Assistant Professor | egiannak@phyed.duth.gr |
Department of History and Ethnology | secr@he.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Tsigaras Georgios | Professor | georgts@otenet.gr |
Tsigaras Georgios | Professor | georgts@otenet.gr |
Lampridis Efthymios | Associate Professor | elamprid@he.duth.gr |
Mpakirtzis Ioannis | Associate Professor | impakirt@bscc.duth.gr |
Papageorgopoulou Christina | Associate Professor | cpapage@he.duth.gr |
Kougkoulos Athanasios | Assistant Professor | akougkou@he.duth.gr |
Macha Athena | Assistant Professor | nantia.macha@gmail.com |
Syriatou Athina | Assistant Professor | asyriato@he.duth.gr |
Department of Greek Philology | secr@helit.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Papagiannis Grigorios | Professor | gpapagia@helit.duth.gr |
Papagiannis Grigorios | Professor | gpapagia@helit.duth.gr |
Tsomis Georgios | Professor | gtsomis@helit.duth.gr |
Voulgari Sophia | Associate Professor | voulgari@helit.duth.gr |
Dosi Iphigenia | Assistant Professor | idosi@helit.duth.gr |
Mastrogianni Anna | Assistant Professor | amastrog@helit.duth.gr |
Ioannidou Maria | Under. Student | mariioan19@helit.duth.gr |
Department of Social Work | secr@sw.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Polyzoidis Periklis | Professor | ppolyzoi@sw.duth.gr |
Serbos Sotiris | Associate Professor | sermpos@sw.duth.gr |
Tsergas Nikolaos (coordinator) | Associate Professor | ntsergas@sw.duth.gr |
Morfakidis Christos | Assistant Professor | cmorfaki@sw.duth.gr |
Papadimitriou Evripidis | Assistant Professor | evpapa@sw.duth.gr |
Philippidis Georgios | Assistant Professor | geofilip@sw.duth.gr |
Department of Social Policy | secr@sp.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Ioannidis Alexis | Professor | aioann@sp.duth.gr |
Ioannidis Alexis | Professor | aioann@sp.duth.gr |
Katrougalos Georgios | Professor | gkatroug@sp.duth.gr |
Pempetzoglou Maria | Professor | mariap@sp.duth.gr |
Koulouris Nikolaos | Associate Professor | nkoulour@sp.duth.gr |
Adam Sophia | Assistant Professor | sadam@sp.duth.gr |
Gasparinatou Margarita | Assistant Professor | mgaspari@sp.duth.gr |
Papanastasiou Stefanos | Assistant Professor | spapanas@sp.duth.gr |
Sykas Theodosis | Assistant Professor | tsykas@sp.duth.gr |
Tassis Chrysanthos | Assistant Professor | ctassis@sp.duth.gr |
Ntinitsoudi Oraia | S.T.L.S. | ontinits@sp.duth.gr |
Τsarpa Ioanna | L.T.S. | itsarpa@sp.duth.gr |
Department of Political Science | secr@polsci.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Dikeos Constantinos | Associate Professor | cdikeos@polsci.duth.gr |
Dikeos Constantinos | Associate Professor | cdikeos@polsci.duth.gr |
Chardas Anastasios | Assistant Professor | achardas@polsci.duth.gr |
Grammatikas Vassilios | Assistant Professor | bgramm@polsci.duth.gr |
Eleftheriou Konstantinos | Assistant Professor | keleftheri@polsci.duth.gr |
Pantazis Apostolos | Assistant Professor | apantaz@polsci.duth.gr |
Papanastasopoulos Nikolaos | Assistant Professor | npapanas@polsci.duth.gr |
Siakas Georgios | Assistant Professor | gsiakas@polsci.duth.gr |
Department of Economics | secr@econ.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Dimitriou Dimitrios | Professor | ddimitri@econ.duth.gr |
Hazakis Konstantinos | Professor | kchazaki@econ.duth.gr |
Dalla Eleni | Assistant Professor | edalla@econ.duth.gr |
Pistikou Victoria | Assistant Professor | vpistiko@econ.duth.gr |
Plakandaras Vasileios | Assistant Professor | vplakand@econ.duth.gr |
Poufinas Thomas | Assistant Professor | tpoufina@econ.duth.gr |
Rigopoulos Konstantinos | Assistant Professor | krigopou@econ.duth.gr |
Sartzetaki Maria | Assistant Professor | msartze@econ.duth.gr |
Vlados Charalambos | Assistant Professor | cvlados@econ.duth.gr |
Department of Languages, Literature and Culture of the Black Sea Countries | secr@bscc.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Petropoulos Elias | Professor | ipetropo@bscc.duth.gr |
Dimasi Maria | Professor | mdimasi@bscc.duth.gr |
Petropoulos Elias | Professor | ipetropo@bscc.duth.gr |
Markou Christina | Associate Professor | cmarkou@bscc.duth.gr |
Aroni Chariklia | Assistant Professor | caroni@bscc.gr |
Mavridou Vasiliki | S.E.S. | vmavrido@bscc.duth.gr |
Department of Medicine | secr@med.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Vadikolias Konstantinos | Professor | kvadikol@med.duth.gr |
Papanas Nikolaos | Professor | papanasn@med.duth.gr |
Anagnostopoulos Konstantinos | Associate Professor | kanagnos@med.duth.gr |
Karakasiliotis Ioannis | Associate Professor | ioakarak@med.duth.gr |
Kontomanoilis Emmanouil | Associate Professor | ekontoma@med.duth.gr |
Nena Evangelia | Associate Professor | enena@med.duth.gr |
Pavlidis Pavlos | Associate Professor | pavlidi@med.duth.gr |
Undergraduate Student Representative | – | |
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics | secr@mbg.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Tokatlidis Ioannis | Professor | itokatl@mbg.duth.gr |
Papageorgiou Aristotelis | Professor | apapage@mbg.duth.gr |
Chlichlia Katerina | Professor | achlichl@mbg.duth.gr |
Fakis Giannoulis | Associate Professor | gfakis@mbg.duth.gr |
Georgitsi Marianthi | Assistant Professor | mgeorgit@mbg.duth.gr |
Kolovos Petros | Assistant Professor | pkolovos@mbg.duth.gr |
Paleologou Katerina | Assistant Professor | apalaiol@mbg.duth.gr |
Department of Primary Education | secr@eled.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Karafyllis Athanasios | Professor | akarafil@eled.duth.gr |
Efthymiou Angeliki | Professor | aefthym@eled.duth.gr |
Karafyllis Athanasios | Professor | akarafil@eled.duth.gr |
Kokkinos Konstantinos | Professor | kkokkino@eled.duth.gr |
Papageorgiou Georgios | Professor | gpapageo@eled.duth.gr |
Markos Angelos (Committee President) | Associate Professor | amarkos@eled.duth.gr |
Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood | secr@psed.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Mavrommatis Georgios | Associate Professor | gmavromm@psed.duth.gr |
Evangelou Demetra | Associate Professor | evangel@psed.duth.gr |
Theodoridis Alexandros | Associate Professor | atheodor@psed.duth.gr |
Prentzas Dimitrios | Associate Professor | dprentza@psed.duth.gr |
Daskalaki Ivi | Assistant Professor | idaskala@psed.duth.gr |
Mitits Lydia (coordinator) | Assistant Professor | lmitits@psed.duth.gr |
Xenitidou Parthena | S.T.L.S. | nxenitid@psed.duth.gr |
Chilan Emektas | Under. Student | chilemek@psed.duth.gr |
Department of Agricultural Development | secr@agro.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Kimbaris Athanassios | Professor | kimparis@agro.duth.gr |
Kimbaris Athanassios (Committee President) | Professor | kimparis@agro.duth.gr |
Plessas Stavros | Professor | splessas@agro.duth.gr |
Raptou Elena | Associate Professor | elenra@agro.duth.gr |
Antonopoulou Chrysovalantou | Assistant Professor | cantonop@agro.duth.gr |
Undergraduate Student | ||
Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources | secr@fmenr.duth.gr | |
Head of the Department: Tsantopoulos Georgios | Professor | tsantopo@fmenr.duth.gr |
Arabatzis Garyfallos | Professor | garamp@fmenr.duth.gr |
Korakis Georgios | Associate Professor | gkorakis@fmenr.duth.gr |
Orfanoudakis Michalis | Associate Professor | morfan@fmenr.duth.gr |
Papakosta Malamati | Associate Professor | mpapakos@fmenr.duth.gr |
Andrea Veronika | Assistant Professor | vandrea@fmenr.duth.gr |
Katagis Thomas | Assistant Professor | tkatagis@fmenr.duth.gr |
Students’ Association Representative | – | – |
Department of Nursing () | ||
Head of the Department: Polyzos Nikolaos | Professor | npolyzos@med.duth.gr |
Polyzos Nikolaos | Professor | npolyzos@med.duth.gr |
Steiropoulos Paschalis | Professor | pstirop@med.duth.gr |
Kontogiorgis Christos | Associate Professor | ckontogi@med.duth.gr |
Kosmidis Dimitrios | Assistant Professor | dkosmidis@nurs.duth.gr |
Manomenidis Georgios | Assistant Professor | gmanomen@nurs.duth.gr |
Department of Psychology (secr@psy.duth.gr) | ||
Head of the Department: Makris Nikolaos | Professor | nmakris@eled.duth.gr |
Kokkinos Konstantinos | Professor | kkokkino@eled.duth.gr |
Makris Nikolaos | Professor | nmakris@eled.duth.gr |
Lampridis Efthymios | Associate Professor | elamprid@he.duth.gr |
Sapountzis Antonios | Associate Professor | ansapoun@psed.duth.gr |
Department of Management Science & Technology (secr@mst.duth.gr) | ||
Head of the Department: Dimitriadis Efstathios | Professor | edimit@mst.duth.gr |
Dimitriadis Efstathios | Professor | edimit@mst.duth.gr |
Theriou Georgios | Associate Professor | gtheriou@mst.duth.gr |
Krinidis Stelios | Assistant Professor | krinidis@mst.duth.gr |
Mylona Ifigenia | Assistant Professor | imylona@mst.duth.gr |
Department of Accounting & Finance (secr@af.duth.gr) | ||
Head of the Department: Florou Giannoula | Professor | gflorou@af.duth.gr |
Delias Pavlos | Professor | pdelias@af.duth.gr |
Florou Giannoula | Professor | gflorou@af.duth.gr |
Kourtidis Dimitrios | Assistant Professor | kourtidis@af.duth.gr |
Department of Computer Science (secr@cs.duth.gr) | ||
Head of the Department: Papakostas George | Professor | gpapak@cs.duth.gr |
Papakostas George | Professor | gpapak@cs.duth.gr |
Pachidis Theodore | Professor | pated@cs.duth.gr |
Rantos Konstantinos | Professor | krantos@cs.duth.gr |
Karampatzakis Dimitrios | Assistant Professor | dkara@cs.duth.gr |
Lagkas Thomas | Assistant Professor | tlagkas@cs.duth.gr |
Department of Physics (info@physics.ihu.gr) | ||
Head of the Department: Vordos Nikolaos | Associate Professor | nvordos@physics.duth.gr |
Hanias Michael | Associate Professor | mhanias@physics.duth.gr |
Karakoulidis Konstantinos | Associate Professor | karakoul@physics.duth.gr |
Papadopoulou Panagiota | Associate Professor | ppapado@physics.duth.gr |
Department of Chemistry (secr@chem.duth.gr) | ||
Head of the Department: Kyzas Georgios | Professor | kyzas@chem.duth.gr |
Kyzas Georgios | Professor | kyzas@chem.duth.gr |
Maliaris Georgios | Professor | gmaliari@chem.duth.gr |
Kokkinos Nikolaos | Associate Professor | nkokkinos@chem.duth.gr |
Mittas Nikolaos | Associate Professor | nmittas@chem.duth.gr |
Chalaris Michail | Assistant Professor | mchalaris@chem.duth.gr |
Department of Agricultural Biotechnology and Oenology (info@vo.duth.gr) | ||
Head of the Department: Mamalis Spyridon | Professor | mamalis@mst.duth.gr |
Mamalis Spyridon | Professor | mamalis@mst.duth.gr |
Xofis Panteleimon | Associate Professor | pxofis@neclir.duth.gr |
Kontoudakis Nikolaos | Assistant Professor | kontoudakis@vo.duth.gr |
Department of Forest and Natural Environment Sciences (info@neclir.duth.gr) | ||
Head of the Department: Papadopoulos Antonios | Professor | antpap@neclir.duth.gr |
Kazana Vasiliki (coordinator) | Professor | vkazana@neclir.duth.gr |
Liordos Vasilios | Professor | liordos@neclir.duth.gr |
Raptis Dimitrios | Associate Professor | drapt@neclir.duth.gr |
Tsiftsis Spyros | Associate Professor | stsiftsis@neclir.duth.gr |
Xofis Panteleimon | Associate Professor | pxofis@neclir.duth.gr |