Our Foundation, with a vision of extroversion and quality in education and research, has sought to participate in the most prestigious international ranking systems of higher education institutions (Rankings). Institutional rankings of higher education are defined as lists by non-profit organizations or businesses that evaluate institutions of higher education based on weighted indicators. A ranking list proceeds to evaluate and publish results that can be studied and lead to conclusions about institutions, by geographic region and also between institutions within a country.

More specifically, following the most recent announcements, D.U.Th appeared in the tables of the following international ranking systems:


Times Higher Education

The international ranking Times Higher Education assesses the performance of higher education institutions on the global stage and provides an opportunity to understand the different missions and achievements of higher education institutions. This ranking covers the three main missions of university activity: research, teaching and impact.

THE World University Rankings 2025

The organization Times Higher Education published the “THE World University Rankings 2025”, after evaluating leading research universities in the world.

This year, D.U.Th. participates in the specific system that is globally in the position between 1.001-1.200 among 2.092 and in the 7th position in Greece among 19 Greek Universities.


THE Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025

The organization Times Higher Education published the “Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025”, after evaluating leading research universities in the world. The Interdisciplinary Science Rankings is the first effort of its kind to measure universities’ contributions and commitment to interdisciplinary science. D.U.Th. was ranked globally in the position between 401-500 among 749 Universities and in the 3rd position in Greece among 6 Greek Universities


THE World University Rankings 2024 by subject
a. Life Sciences

D.U.Th. was ranked between 801-1.000 worldwide, among 1.143 educational institutions and in 6th in Greece.

b. Medical and Health

D.U.Th. was ranked at the place 601-800 worldwide among 1.150 educational institutions and 5th in Greece.

c. Engineering

D.U.Th. was ranked between 801-1.000 worldwide among 1.488 educational institutions and 6th in Greece.

d. Social Sciences

D.U.Th. was ranked between 601-800 worldwide among 1.093 educational institutions and 5th in Greece.


In addition to the Times Higher Education World University Ranking, in which institutions from all over the world participate, and part of which is the Times Higher Education World University Ranking by subject, THE publishes three additional rankings.

In the first, are ranked institutions from countries with emerging economies according to the London Stock Exchange’s FTSE Group (THE Emerging Economies University Rankings), in a separate ranking participate new educational institutions founded in the last 50 years (THE Young University Rankings), while finally, is published a ranking based on the measures the institutions have taken in order to respond to the Sustainable Development Goals, as set by the UN (THE Impact Ranking).

In detail, you will find the ranking that D.U.Th. has received in each of these categories.


THE Emerging Economies University Rankings 2022

This list includes 606 institutions from countries that belong to emerging economies according to the London Stock Exchange’s FTSE Group.

D.U.Th. was ranked 401-500 worldwide among 606 educational institutions.

THE Young University Rankings 2023

Young educational institutions established in the last 50 years are included. D.U.Th. was ranked 401-500 worldwide among 605 educational institutions.

THE Impact Rankings 2024

For the sixth year, the specialized ranking table THE Impact Rankings 2024 concerning sustainable development goals has been published. The goals, which have been set by the UN, are examined as a whole in order to draw up the overall ranking, but also individually for each goal. This time, 2.152 Higher Education institutions from 125 countries participated in the general ranking. D.U.Th., ranked 1.001-1.500 among these Institutions and 12th among institutions of higher education in Greece. D.U.Th. participated in five of these individual target rankings, in addition to the overall one.

  • In the 4th target for “Quality Education” D.U.Th. was ranked 1.001-1.500 among 1.681 institutions worldwide and 12th nationwide..
  • In the 5th target for “Gender Equality”, D.U.Th. was ranked 1.000+ among 1.361 institutions worldwide and 10th nationally.
  • In the 8th target for “Decent Work and Economic Development”, D.U.Th. was ranked 801-1.000 among 1.149 institutions worldwide and 6th nationwide.
  • In the 16th target for “Peace, Justice and strong Institutions”, D.U.Th. was ranked 401-600 among 1.086 institutions worldwide and 6th nationwide.
  • In the 17th target , which concerns “Cooperation for the Targets”, D.U.Th. was ranked 1.001-1.500 among 2.031 institutions worldwide and 12th nationwide.


The table below summarizes the presence of D.U.Th. in the rankings of the international organization “Times Higher Education” since 2019.

Shanghai Ranking

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2023

D.U.Th. was ranked in “Human Biological Sciences” of Global Ranking of Academic Subjects between 401 – 500 worldwide, among 1.900 educational institutions.

For 2022 the Shanghai Ranking organization has issued the Global Ranking of Sport Science Schools and Departments, which concerns a ranking of universities in which sports science research is conducted. For the ranking of 2022, 300 Universities with relevant Departments / Faculties were checked and ranked, and D.U.Th. was ranked in positions 201-300.

The following table summarizes the presence of D.U.Th. in the international organization “Shanghai” since 2016.

NICA Law School Ranking

The international organization NICA has published the NICA Law School Ranking, which includes law schools of higher education institutions from around the world.

The Law School of Democritus University of Thrace, ranked 1st in 2021 among law schools of Greece, having won the Telders competition, with distinction in the field of Public International Law and International Human Rights Law.

In 2023 also ranked 110th in Europe and 278th among 1.700 Law Schools worldwide.

The following table summarizes the presence of D.U.Th. in the international organization “NICA” since 2013.


In Webometrics the global ranking list of the Spanish scientific research center CSIC (January 2024 edition) Democritus University of Thrace occupies the 1.099th place, while it has the 8th place among 66 Greek educational institutions.

In January 2023, the Ranking Table of Higher Education Institutions “Top Universities by Top Google Scholar Citations” (Transparent Ranking) was posted, which is one of the criteria of the Webometrics ranking, in which the Democritus University of Thrace ranked 667th, out of approximately 4.365 higher education institutions from all over the world and the 7th place among Greek institutions of higher education.

This table includes the world’s top higher education institutions with a total of over 1.000 citations and is ranked based on the number of citations in the scientific publications of their teaching and research staff. The data on which the table was compiled was collected during the period between 1 and 20 January of 2023, from the academic bibliography search engine, “Google Scholar”, with a total of 420.942 citations for D.U.Th..

The following table summarizes the presence of D.U.Th. in the international organization “Webometrics” since 2021.

Scimago Institution Rankings (SIR)

In the Scimago Institution Rankings (SIR) (for 2024) our University is in 3.737th place among 9.054 research institutions worldwide, and in 18th place among 44 Greek research institutions and 10th among 24 Greek Institutions of Higher Education.

The following table summarizes the presence of D.U.Th. in the international organization “SCImago” since 2009.


On June 21, 2022, the final results of U-Multirank for 2022 were announced, where 2.202 Higher Education Institutions from all over the world were studied. U-Multirank covers five aspects of the performance of Higher Education Institutions: 1. teaching and learning, 2. research, 3. knowledge dissemination, 4. international orientation and 5. interaction with local society. Performance in each aspect is graded from ‘A’ (very good) to ‘E’ (very poor).

This year, five Departments of D.U.Th. submitted data in five categories of indicators that examine these aspects. The Departments of D.U.Th. that were invited to enter data were the department of Molecular Biology and Genetics for the subject of “Biology”, the departments of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering for the subjects of the same name, the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering for the subject of “Electrical Engineering” and the department of Production and Management Engineering for the subject of “Production/Industry Engineer”.

According to the results, D.U.Th. gathered a higher score in the “Research” and “Knowledge Dissemination” criteria, while is remaining in the “Interaction with the Local Society” criterion. An individual score was published for each of the five subject areas for which data was collected. The respective Departments of D.U.Th. that participated (Molecular Biology and Genetics, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Production and Management Engineering) collected the highest score in the field of “Research” and “Knowledge Dissemination”. Weaknesses were seen in the area of ​​”Interaction with the Local Society” and “International Orientation”.

Center for World University Rankings (CWUR)

The Organization Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) has published the Top 2.000 World University Rankings 2024 ICWUR table, which includes D.U.Th., occupying the 1.405th place worldwide and the 8th place among 12 educational institutions in Greece. It is noted that the list of 2.000 top universities emerged from a total of 20.966 educational institutions around the world.

The following table summarizes the presence of D.U.Th. in the international organization “Center for World University Rankings” since 2019.


The Guide2Research portal has published the 9th edition of the table: Best Computer Science Universities in the World 2023, which includes D.U.Th., which is in 1.121st place among 2.000 universities worldwide and 11th place among 22 educational institutions in Greece. The ranking was derived from data collected in December 2022 (specifically the h-index, Google Scholar & DBLP) and related to over 9.735 profiles of Computer Science-related departments and researchers from more than 1.470 institutions.


The news agency U.S.News has published its World University Rankings for 2024-2025. D.U.Th. was ranked 1.435th among the 2.250 Institutions.

The US News World’s Best Universities ranking was created to provide insight into how universities compare globally. From a total of 2.271 universities studied worldwide, the final overall ranking of the 2.250 best universities covers a range of 104 countries. These rankings are based on data from Clarivate’s Web of Science (InCitesTM research analytics solutions) for the five-year period 2018-2022.

The following table summarizes the presence of D.U.Th. in the news organization “U.S.News“.

Round University Rankings (RUR)

Democritus University of Thrace was included in the Round University Rankings (RUR) ranking system.

For 2024 ranked 818 worldwide among more than 1.200 higher education institutions, while it is in 4th place among Greek institutions.

It is pointed out that: a) the ranking is based on 20 indicators covering four main axes: Teaching, Research, International Diversity and Financial Sustainability and b) the data is processed by Clarivate Analytics.

The following table summarizes the presence of D.U.TH. in the “Round University Rankings (RUR)”.

After assessing more than 1.000 leading higher education institutions, RUR proceeded published the RUR Subject Rankings 2024. D.U.Th. participates in 5, as seen below:

Humanities: D.U.Th was ranked 677th globally, and 2th in Greece

Life Sciences: D.U.Th was ranked 734th globally, and 4th in Greece

Medical Sciences: D.U.Th was ranked 537th globally, and 3th in Greece

Social Sciences: D.U.Th was ranked 861th globally, and 6th in Greece

Technical Sciences: D.U.Th was ranked 830th globally, and 5th in Greece


D.U.Th. was ranked in place 1.226 worldwide and in 7th place in Greece, among 14.131 educational institutions in Ranking, which is an independent metric-based ranking of 14.131 universities from 183 countries. utilize scientific publications, citations, non-academic prominence and alumni popularity indicators.

In addition to the overall ranking, “” publishes rankings by topics and D.U.Th participates in 13 of them as seen below:

Biology rankings: D.U.Th was ranked  1.120 among 6.770 and 9th in Greece.

Engineering rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 1.029 among 6.684 and 8th in Greece.

Medicine rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 842 among 6.680 and 7th in Greece.

Environmental Science rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 974 among 6.798 and 9th in Greece.

Computer Science rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 907 among 6.752 and 9th in Greece.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 1.146 among 7.020 and 10th in Greece.

Physics rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 1.110 among 6.603 and 7th in Greece.

Chemistry rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 1.260 among 6.447 and 9th in Greece.

Mathematics rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 867 among 6.305 and 9th in Greece. 

Psychology rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 883 among 6.528 and 7th in Greece.

Business rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 945 among 6.187 and 11th in Greece. 

Economics rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 968 among 5.995 and 12th in Greece. 

Art & Design rankings: D.U.Th was ranked 1.070 among 5.720 and 12th in Greece.

Stanford University

Stanford University has been publishing since 2019-20 lists that include the world’s leading scientists from all scientific fields. The analysis of the data prepared by special teams at Stanford University under Professor John Ioannidis is conducted based on the number of indicators focusing on the copy of their published work during the given year.

  • In the first list, published in September 2024, based on the copy of the researchers’ published work during the year 2023, 31 researchers of the Democritus University of Thrace are included.
  • The second list which is based on a number of indicators focusing on the impact of the published work of researchers during their entire work and concerns an evaluation of these indicators for more than 6.000.000 scientists worldwide, includes 30 researchers of the Democritus University of Thrace.

More information can be found on the website of Elsevier and the website of D.U.Th.

Study Abroad Aide (SAA)

The “Study Abroad Aide (SAA) World Rankings for Best Value Universities for International Students” analyses 8.536 universities worldwide. Democritus University of Thrace is among the 16% of the best universities. “Study Abroad Aide” ranked all universities around the globe based on two metrics: affordability and academic reputation.

More information can be found on the website of SAA.

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